Hit Refresh For The New Year
Urgh, it's January again. The diet is on. The booze is shut away under lock and key. The trainers have been dug out and dusted down. It's all about healthy living and restraint.
It's not just my body that needs cleansing after Christmas though. Looking around the house, the clutter seems to have reached new heights. There may have been the intentions to give meaningful, necessary presents to each other but Santa (and many other relatives) didn't get that memo. Piles of plastic toys are spilling out of the toy box and cupboards. Wardrobes are bursting at the seams with clothes, shoes and bags, yet I never seem to have the right thing to wear. There seems to be stuff stuffed everywhere.
So, I'm starting this year right and I'm having a major reorganisation, installing practical storage solutions and having a good old clear out. I know it will provide a wonderful feeling of satisfaction and accomplishment. I seem to do this every January and then one thing leads to another and I'll want to completely redecorate and refurnish. Then I remember that it's January, the month of restraint and frugality after the decadence of December.
The answer is a compromise. I'll leave the colour charts and wallpaper samples in the drawer for now. The sofas will have to make do with a spruce up rather than being replaced. But I think I can stretch to a few new pictures. Simply swapping around the framed photos and adding some fresh new prints to our collection will make a difference - the interior update that I'm looking for.
Looking for interior design inspiration? Take a look at the Art of Adventure collections (https://artofadventure.co.uk/)
It's not just my body that needs cleansing after Christmas though. Looking around the house, the clutter seems to have reached new heights. There may have been the intentions to give meaningful, necessary presents to each other but Santa (and many other relatives) didn't get that memo. Piles of plastic toys are spilling out of the toy box and cupboards. Wardrobes are bursting at the seams with clothes, shoes and bags, yet I never seem to have the right thing to wear. There seems to be stuff stuffed everywhere.
So, I'm starting this year right and I'm having a major reorganisation, installing practical storage solutions and having a good old clear out. I know it will provide a wonderful feeling of satisfaction and accomplishment. I seem to do this every January and then one thing leads to another and I'll want to completely redecorate and refurnish. Then I remember that it's January, the month of restraint and frugality after the decadence of December.
The answer is a compromise. I'll leave the colour charts and wallpaper samples in the drawer for now. The sofas will have to make do with a spruce up rather than being replaced. But I think I can stretch to a few new pictures. Simply swapping around the framed photos and adding some fresh new prints to our collection will make a difference - the interior update that I'm looking for.
Looking for interior design inspiration? Take a look at the Art of Adventure collections (https://artofadventure.co.uk/)